The core activity of ASK-M Kft. established in 1995 is the development and production of precision mechanical and optical devices.
The company is owned by two individuals, who together with their colleagues have several decades of professional experience in the area of precision mechanics.
Professional background of the colleagues: mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, technicians, mechanicians, precision mechanical and electronic assemblers, machining skilled workers, who have gained their professional expertise within the frameworks of the former Hungarian precision mechanical industry.
Thanks to this professional background and the introduction of computer aided design and CNC technologies, the company was able to implement developments – in he area of the production activity as well - of such a technical level recently, which meet the requirements of even the most demanding markets of today. The quality of designing, development and production processes is also guaranteed by the ISO-9001 certification of the company, which was obtained in year 1997.
Core activity of the company:
- development, designing and production of precision mechanical and optical instruments,
- development, designing and production of custom made equipment,
- development, designing and production of different mechanical devices for the purpose of in-production control,
- undertaking special job works (e.g.: welding of extraordinary quality).
Main products of the company:
- forestry electronic measurement devices (for forestries and forestry agencies),
- explosion proof liquid flow meters (for petrol stations),
- explosion proof petrol vapour pump (for petrol stations),
- electronic access systems (for swimming pools, sport establishments),
- industrial endoscopes (for industrial application, Hungarian Border Guard, Hungarian Customs and Finance Guard),
- automatic scanner-microscope (for hospital laboratories),
- electronic laboratory thermostat (for laboratories),
- different special purpose apparatuses and production devices (for the automotive industry).
Our capacity is fully tied down with own developments and manufacturing that is based on our own developments.
We do have all the equipment, subcontractor contacts and expertise required for executing the above described activities.